суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

i still belive in not clear

Three winters I trusted
Waited for light miracle.
In general, I don't know what happening with me , but that something happening - it is for sure. And I still don't know that "it" is - good or bad yet. I guess who is the bottom, but whether will it be and the decision too - cannot yo tell for certain. But I will hope. I also know, you see that I talk in riddles, and everyone now will take advantage of the personal imagination and will place heroes on the own taste, but any of them won't be right , it's exact. It something new that is well forgotten old.
I won't load you with my gloomy thoughts any more... All becomes clearly soon... I hope and for me too.

1 комментарий:

Federico Panarello комментирует...

ok photo!!! very nice...