воскресенье, 6 сентября 2009 г.

One of the favourite appearance : hair, make up. [Private & Fashion heading]

Make up: Here is one of my favourite make ups.Dark eyes, light lips - perfect. I love it, but i can't do it all the time cuz it's not for "everyday" use and also i'm too laze ^^ that to do it everyday)
Make ups are my passion! and i'm going to learn to do it proffecionaly! All this beauty stuff, such as: make up, hair, nails, style... it's all perfect for me.

Hair: Actually i like my hair, but it's not perfect i my opinion. I care much about good lookin' of hair and keepin' it in good condition. Use many different masks, balms, oils...and if you want to have nice hair, you have to do it too. Hair love care, and if you don't do anythink it'll be "dying" slowly : not shine and dry.
So keep up for your appearance and stay beautifull. Betifull women - can everything. For her are opening all doors!

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baby u are beautiful always=*